Leaf Necklace

Leaf Necklaces. I´ve seen this type of accessories (or trend should I say) here and there. Online stores, stores at malls, newsletters, blogs, pretty much everywhere.

And I mean, I can see why, they look pretty cool. So I thought I´d make my version of them.
I honestly loved it. It is one of those things that look simple but cute. The fact that is suuuuper duper easy to make is a huge plus. The only thin, thought, is that I think I´m only attracted to it if its gold. Maybe turquoise would look nice as well. But gold: cute.

As for materials, I used:
-          Yellow clay.
-          Leaf (from the street, literally, from the ground, I would never ever EVER mess around with nature!).
-          Knife.
-          Roller. (I used Sculpey clay conditioning Machine. Not a necessity, roller and even pressure works as fine).
-          Ziploc bag.
-          Water-based Acrylic painting in gold.
-          Thin brush.
-          Thin chain and two clasps.

Find Waldo! I took this one while recording the video below, thought it was hilarious to see how tiny my new piece looks!

Here is a step-by-step I made for this project:

Pretty simple, right?
Don´t forget to give it a try, and if you do, don´t forget to end pics my way!



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