Home Décor: Damask Frame | DIY

Hi everyone! So, few months back my Dad, Sister, two of my nieces and I had a lovely dinner at Benihana. I believe I had a tempura chicken, and my drink was one of those strawberry pop soda type drinks. We all had a wonderful time and had a photo taken as well. At the end they just printed the image and give us 2 photos with their photo frames.

So, I had my red cardboard frame sitting on my desk ever since, until last week, when I felt inspired and decided to do something with it. Why not getting a new one instead? I wanted to keep all memories together, since as right now I don´t live in the same town as they do.

Anyways, I had an idea of a damask pattern on mind, but I didn't have the “right” materials a.k.a acrylic paint. Instead I had a loot of nail polish, more than what I really use/need. I had a few bottles just there and not particularly being used. Most people would never do this with nail polishes, so I say, use what makes you feel more comfortable. But, I decided to experiment a bit and paint the frame with nail polish instead of acrylic paint. I mean, I could have used acrylics, but, it was a matter of using what I already had instead of going to the store and buying something “proper”. I think is just that I like to experiment. And as a plus to that plus, I live, right now, so very far away from everything. Traffic, one hour drive..you get my point. 
**Just keep in mind, if you go for the nail polish thing, do it outdoors, is polish, it smells, takes longer than acrylic paint to dry, and be patient. But the end result, I like.

With that being said, what I used:
-          Frame and thank you! Note, otherwise, it doesn´t work. =)
-          Color Club in black.
-          Brush. I used an old brush from another nail polish in black as well, because I didn´t have a painting brush.
-          Antique gold acrylic paint. “Glorious Gold” by Dazzling Metallics. That´s the only acrylic paint I have. Its water based, I don’t really know much about that.
-          Color Club in silver. I don’t know how many types of silver that brand has, but this one is super pigmented.
-          Scraper. I used my Konad scraper, because that´s the one I have, I don’t have an old card, but I know it works as well.
-          Damask Stencils. I bought mine at maybe the school section at Target? I´ve seen them everywhere nowadays. Here.
-          Thin brush for details.
-           A bit of steam.
I know this is a blog and maybe I am suppose to write down every single step to it rather than showing the steps on videos, but I am visual, and I find it easier to express myself like that. Here is the how:

I very much loved the result, and definitely looks a lot prettier sitting on my desk now. Somewhat decent, I think.

I wanted to share the idea and general concept I had in mind. 
If you try this one out don’t forget to share your pics on my twitter and instagram @cutesimplestuff.
Let me know what you think, take care!
