Daisy Brush Embroidery Cookies

Hi friends! First I wanted to apologize for posting this on Monday and not on (last) Friday as I had been doing for TGIF For Desserts. I was sick all last week and I wanted to feel better to edit this post and the video. Feel better now, gosh, feels like it´s been ages since the last time I uploaded something, but it´s only been a week.

Anyways, back to toda´s post...Despite the obvious failed brush embroidery part, which was a last-minute idea and totally my first time (as can be seen) and the fact that real daisies have pointier and skinnier petals and mine are round and chubby, I think they do the trick. These are daisy inspired cookies I wanted to share, because I think the whole group looks kind of cute. They support and complete each other, like groups should.

As for the brush embroidery technique itself, I think looks so elegant and delicate, I am not the one to “teach” since I am still learning, but there are some great blogs and cookie decorating website, that I checked out before adding this to my cookies. Some of the best online teachers I have are super talented Amber from “Sweetambs” and of course I couldn’t exist on the baking world without Glory from “Glorious threats

For these cookies you will need:
-       Cookie dough here
-       Royal Icing here. 15-20 sec consistency.
-       Square and round cookie cutters. The size depends on how big or small you want your cookies to be, but the bigger the more working space you got.
-       Ziploc bags. Feel free to use your favorite piping method.
-       Black, yellow, green, white gel fool coloring. For the white icing, I simply don´t add any fool coloring, but if you want it whiter, you can always add few drops of white gel food coloring.
-       Scribe tool. Homemade here
-       Brush + water + napkin.

Here is how I made them:

Enjoy, and if you like, recreate and share don´t forget to mention this post / video.
Talk to you in the next one!

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