Apple Sprinkle Cupcakes | Desserts for the weekend

Hi friends! Today I am sharing this very cheerful and colorful Apple logo cupcake idea. I don´t have many things of this brand, but I have to say, the few things I do, have lasted me a long time, and they are very user-friendly. On the other hand, I have always loved the little apple of the logo and I wanted to make some cupcakes with that in mind.

Since no one that I know (of those who end up eating what I bake) likes fondant, I wanted to incorporate color to the logo, so that´s why I thought of adding sprinkles.

They are easy to make, and you only need 3 things:
-Cupcake recipe here
-Whipping cream (mine was store-bought)
-And lots of sprinkles.
-Oh..and option but tweezers. They are not super essential, but if you bake a lot, comes on handy to just buy a pair of cheap tweezers wash them really well and use them only for baking. That is what I did.

Let´s start the fun. Happy bake-orating! (baking + decorating).
