Peanut butter + grape snacks | Desserts for the weekend

(un-edited photos, just fixed contrast and brightness)

Happy weekend everyone! Lately, I´ve been really into snacks. More specific, snacks with peanut butter. It´s all because previous of this, I had never ever tried peanut butter before (I know…where have I been, I was totally missing out). So, since it´s so good and so addicting I have been looking for other food to eat with it (I wanted to try something other than just eating it with a spoon).

I previously made some:
Banana + apple peanut butter snacks here.
Cute peanut butter + apple sandwiches here
And now, a combination I would say is my favorite so far: peanut butter + green grapes.

Out of all the combos I´ve tried, with bananas is a bit too sweet for me, with apples is yummy as well, but then I got over it, and I love grapes. They have the perfect snack size, and you can grab as many or as little as you want without the commitment of having to finish the whole fruit, something you just want half of whatever fruit you are eating. You will love these ones if you like grapes, of course!

I was playing with my food before eating it, of course, and I made a few “designs”.  I never knew you could make designs with grapes as if they were cake pops!

Anyway, hope you enjoy and happy snacking!
