How-to 2 in 1 Pomegranate Box of Chocolate | Desserts for the Weekend

Hi everyone, today I wanted to share another dessert, this time, using pomegranate and dark chocolate.  My obsession with dark chocolate and something else started years ago, the first time I tried a dark chocolate covered strawberry. Then years and years later I saw this idea online, of strawberry “shots”, next thing I know I was in the kitchen trying to re-create the idea, adding my own twist to it: this is the result. Then I made this Strawberry and Dark chocolate square threats, not only are they easy on the eye, they are also delicious: here is the result.

And now, this is what I came up with. The tittle mentions Box of chocolate, this is not an exact re-creation of a legit Box of Chocolate concept, this is just and idea on how you can make it homemade. We have chocolate (what more can I say), perfect bite-size treats, and with that drizzle on top they will look oh-so-cute. For them you just need: Chocolate (dark, semi sweet, white, milk…up to you), a pomegranate, and a few tools you will find throughout the video. Let´s get started:
