How to NOT Frost a Cupcake

Ok, so, I am not a baking expert by any means, but I have been baking homemade goods for about almost 5 years and there are a couple things I´ve learned by trial end error. One of the baked goods I like to well...bake, are cupcakes. To me, they´ll always be so cute, easy to eat and just so much fun to decorate, because there is something so clean and classic about the traditional swirl, but don´t let the simple swirl full ya, even the most basic swirl has its techniques to learn. So, kind of a negative Nancy here but I´ll share few tips and tricks ("hacks" if I´m being Millennial) that I´ve learn on how to not frost a cupcake. Believe me, from someone with basic experience, decorating a cupcake and making a perfect swirl its a lot harder than what it seems, so let me save ya some money, time and energy and let me show you one way of doing this.
